To get to the next level of greatness, depends on the quality of the culture, which depends on the quality of the relationships, which depends on the quality of the conversations.... Everything happens through conversations.

-Judith E. Glaser

Expected Outcomes:

  •   Elevate the quality of conversations across the entire team or organization.

  •   Discover the 5 steps of building trust which also affords 5 of the conversational essentials that not only improve your relationships, but improves productivity.

  •   Learn how to transition conversations that trigger trust, growth and innovation, creating a whole new level of engagement and impact.

    Research shows that 9 out of 10 of our conversations miss the mark. How do leaders and managers change this dynamic? The best place to start is to know how to move through the crucial and difficult conversations in such a way as to turn them into productive and intelligent conversations.

    Practice, Practice, Practice:

    Attendees will receive up to ten weeks of virtual coaching in order to integrate and embody these concepts.